Samuel Merritt University Locations

Campus Address
Oakland - Main Campus 3100 Telegraph Avenue
Oakland, California 94609
Sacramento Campus 2710 N. Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 360
Sacramento, CA 95833
San Francisco Peninsula Campus 1720 South Amphlett Boulevard, Suite 300
San Mateo, CA 94402
Fresno Campus 1791 E. Fir Avenue
Fresno, California 93720


Department Name Address
Academic Affairs 450 30th St. Suite 2718
Academic and Instructional Innovation 3300 Webster St. Suite 308
Accounts Payable
Admission 3100 Telegraph Ave. Suite 1000
Basic Sciences 450 30th St. Suite 2800
Bookstore 450 30th St. Suite 2710
Business Office 3100 Telegraph Ave. Suite 1110
Campus Service Center 3100 Telegraph Ave. Suite 110
Communications 450 30th St. Suite 2856
Development and Alumni Affairs 450 30th St. Suite 2840
Enrollment and Student Services 3100 Telegraph Ave. Suite 1000
Ethnic Health Institute 450 30th St. Suite 2877
Facilities 450 30th St. Suite G831
Finance and Administration 3300 Webster St. Suite 301
Financial Aid 3100 Telegraph Ave. Suite 1100
Financial Services 3300 Webster St. Suite 322
Health Education Center 400 Hawthorne Ave.
Health Sciences Simulation Ctr. 450 30th St. Suite G860
Information Technology Services 3300 Webster St. Suite 212
Institutional Research 3300 Webster St. Suite 208
Library 400 Hawthorne Ave.
Media Services 3012 Summit St. Suite G688
Motion Analysis Research Center 400 Hawthorne Ave. Suite 101
Nursing, Oakland Campus 3100 Summit St.
Nursing, Oakland Prelicensure Clinical Coordination 3012 Summit St.
Nursing, Online Programs 3012 Summit St.
Nursing, Sacramento Campus 2710 Gateway Oaks Dr. Suite 360
Nursing, San Francisco Peninsula Campus 1720 Amphlett Blvd. Suite 300
Occupational Therapy 450 30th St. Suite 4706
Office of the President 450 30th St. Suite 2840
People and Culture 450 30th St. Suite 2800
Physical Therapy 450 30th St. Suite 3706
Physician Assistant 450 30th St. Suite 4706
Podiatric Medicine 450 30th St. Suite 2860
Registrar 3100 Telegraph Ave. Suite 1000
Security 3100 Summit St.
Student Health & Counseling Services 3100 Telegraph Ave. Suite 303
Student Services 3100 Telegraph Ave. Suite 1000
Veteran's Resource Center 3100 Telegraph Ave.